
Saturday, January 23, 2016


      Hey guys long time no update. I’ve had a ton of stuff going on in my personal life the good bad an even a little ugly, but I’m BACK! Now I’m not here to promise I’ll be this super frequentblog with updates every hour but trust and believe I’m going to finally get it together honey. So I thought I would discuss and talk about the newest most exciting thing in my life I GOT MARRIED! It actually still feels weird to say that like whaaaat? But yes it finally happened and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. As most of you know I was in a very serious relationship for years with my now Husband Antoine. We started dating in 2011 and the years that followed have defiantly been an adventure. We got engaged February 7th 2014 just a few days shy of my 23rdbirthday which is on the 10th. I was completely surprised and did not see it coming at all! We had previously talked about getting engaged of course but I wasn’t expecting it so soon. It was very sweet and romantic with Bruno Mars “marry you” playing in the background. 


  I always knew I wanted a small but lavish wedding with every detail perfected we went back and forth with different venues and visited close to 25. (I know right?). Time passed things happened and we discovered that there was no point in waiting and saving 20 grand for a wedding when marriage is about the commitment to each other before God. I will be completely honest Antoine was the one who had the idea of just getting married asap, he woke up one day and was like baby were going to get the marriage  license. I was like huh? So downtown we went I was beyond nervous and unbeknownst to us you only have sixty days to get married after you get the license which they didn’t tell us until we paid and signed are lives away yay! We tossed different ideas around like getting married at the court but eventually we decided to get married in church and have a large “Wedding Dinner” to celebrate just fourshort stressful weeks later. I think eventually we will have a large wedding but right now I’m just enjoying being a MRS after 4 ½ years! 

     My dinner was more than I ever expected my mother went above and beyond to make it the most beautiful night ever. I had a custom home made cake and cake pops that tasted so AMAZING no one can stop talking about it to this day. We were surrounded by amazing supportive friends and family and I truly enjoyed the day. I ended up doing my own makeup which is a given giving my background with artistry but what I didn’t plan on doing was my hair which took me about 8 hours because my curls kept falling oops! I have a post coming with all the details of my wedding makeup and all the products that I used. The dinner colors were blush pink and gold which were my traditional wedding colors I had chosen and it was absolutely gorgeous and the food was divine. My only complaint is I wish I shed some excess bloat okay “weight” from eating everything, (I blame Antoine) and more leading up to the awesome day but oh well.   We got married on December, 13th and it was seventy degrees outside God was defiantly smiling down on us!  But yeah excuse the rambling that’s what leaves me here today, starting off 2016 as a newlywed and I hope to share my journey with you allXoxo

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